Re: Conformance Claim and keyboard API support

Jon Gunderson wrote:
> Since the group has required support for a keyboard API, I don't think the
> we should allow any type of conformance if a user agent cannot support a
> keyboard API.  The group could address this issue in a future version of
> the document.
> Currently the conformance section makes the following statement:
> "Checkpoints that refer to the keyboard always apply. The subject must
> implement the standard API for the keyboard unless the operating system
> does not offer one."
> I think we should state:
> "Checkpoints that refer to the keyboard always apply. The subject must
> implement the standard keyboard API.  If an operating system or user agent
> does not offer or support a keyboard API, then the user agent cannot
> conform to these guidelines."

1) The UA is required (in all cases) to implement a keyboard API (no
possible without this).

2) The UA is required to implement the standard system API for the
keyboard if
one exists. 

I think we shouldn't say "On that particular operating system, you can't
have any user agents at all that conform to UAAG 1.0 since there is no
standard API
for the keyboard." It does make it harder on AT developers to
communicate since
they don't have a standard to follow, but it is possible to have
combinations of software
that work together. For that reason -- it's not absolutely impossible --
I think that
conformance should be possible in case 2.

 - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Saturday, 7 October 2000 06:32:19 UTC