Re: Suggested note to Checkpoint 5.5 on timeliness

Jon Gunderson wrote:
> I propose the following note for Checkpoint 5.5:
> This checkpoint is not about absolute time specifications, but about
> developers using and supporting APIs that result in the timely exchange of
> information betweeen user agents and assistive technoloiges. This
> checkpoint is designed to reduce delays that an assistive
> technology user might experience due to communication overhead.
> Timely exchange is also import for preventing loss of information,
> a risk when changes in content occur faster than the
> exchange with the assistive technology.

Here's my suggestion:

For example, the programmatic exchange of information required by 
other checkpoints in this document must be efficient enough to 
prevent information loss, a risk when changes to content or user 
interface occur more quickly than
the communication of those changes. The techniques for this checkpoint
explain how developers can reduce communication delays, e.g.,
to ensure that assistive technologies have timely access to
the document object model.

This version defines the scope of the checkpoint to other checkpoints in
document. In other words: it applies to other checkpoints.

 _ Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2000 10:31:34 UTC