Proposed clarification of checkpoint 6.2 (conforming to W3C specs)


In the Candidate Rec of the UAAG 1.0, checkpoint 6.2 reads:

   "Conform to W3C specifications when they are appropriate 
    for a task. [Priority 2]."

The WG has already resolved [2] to change the wording to:

    "Use and conform to W3C specifications when they are 
     available and appropriate for a task." 

I propose changing "specifications" to "Recommendations".
This would narrow the scope of the requirement. It would not
prevent user agents from conforming to additional levels
of documents, but would only require conformance to
Recommendations. Furthermore, we should note in the Techs
document that developers should pay close attention to
Candidate Rec drafts.

I would like to discuss this at the 9 March meeting. Please
voice any objections before then.

Thank you,

 - Ian


Ian Jacobs (
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2000 15:27:15 UTC