Re: minor comments for WD-UAAG10-TECHS-20000128

Susan Lesch wrote:
> Here is a list of possible minor improvements for the Techniques
> Document [1] "work in progress." There are no substantive changes
> here, only very minor suggestions. If these notes don't help or come
> too late for your schedule, please feel free to ignore them.

No way! These were all very helpful. Some of the mistakes I caught
during the current major overhaul, some I missed, and some disappeared
in the rewrite.

Thank you very much,

 - Ian
> Comments:
> You might consider spelling out "user agent (UA)", "graphical user
> interface (GUI)", "user interface (UI)", and "assistive technology
> (AT)" early in the document. The first use could be linked to the
> Glossary, and their acronyms could be added there. Outside the Status
> section, UA first appears in 5.6, GUI in Guideline 1, UI in 10.3, and
> AT in Appendix 5.
> Except for the Note at the end of 7.6, references to HTML 4.0 and
> [HTML40] may need to change to 4.01 or to HTML 4. Those instances are
> not listed here.
> Mac OS is two words as far as I know; (MacOS appears twice).
> Contractions are slightly colloquial for a formal specification. For
> example, "doesn't" could read "does not", and "isn't" could read "is
> not".
> I didn't understand the numbering scheme for Checkpoint 7.3 (contains
> 2.7.1 and 2.7.2), Checkpoint 10.1 (contains 2.10.1, 2.10.2, and
> 2.10.3), and Checkpoint 10.4 (contains 2.10.4).
> Specific Items:
>  From here on, items are identified by a section number, checkpoint
> number if applicable, and a paragraph or list item number. A quote
> and suggestion then follow. Comments are in brackets [].
> 1. par. 1
> " an aid to developers seeking to implement the
>      Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines."
> [Not sure here but maybe that means:]
>      as an aid to developers seeking to implement the
>      User Agent Accessibility Guidelines.
> 2. Guideline 1 - Checkpoint 1.1 - Techniques par. 1
> the window manger
> the window manager
> 2. Guideline 1 - Checkpoint 1.1 - Techniques par. 2
> Examples of not using the standard input devices are:
> [The first two (of five) examples are about "not using" standard
> input devices, but the last three are not. Maybe the list could be
> divided into two groups, with one group introduced as:]
> Examples of using the standard input devices are:
> in a a
> in a
> 2. Guideline 1 - Checkpoint 1.2 - Techniques - list item 1
> Screen Readers
> Screen readers
> 2. Guideline 1 - Checkpoint 1.2 - Techniques - list item 3
> at different points in the of the drawing process
> at different points in the drawing process
> 2. Guideline 1 - Checkpoint 1.2 - Techniques - last list item
> such as screen reader
> such as screen readers
> 2. Guideline 1 - Checkpoint 1.3 - Techniques - list item 2
>      If a text equivalent (specified via "alt" or "title" in
>      HTML) is available and not null for the element (like
>      INPUT or IMG in HTML) that has an associated client-side
>      map, indicate the presence of a map in text (e.g., "Start
>      of map") plus the text equivalent and the number of areas
>      in the map.
> [That sentence makes sense but is quite long. Could it read:]
> "...A text equivalent (specified via "alt" or "title" in HTML)
>      may be available for an element (like INPUT or IMG in HTML).
>      If the equivalent is not null and the element has an
>      associated client-side map, indicate the presence of a map
>      in text (e.g., "Start of map") plus the text equivalent and
>      the number of areas in the map.
> 2. Guideline 1 - Checkpoint 1.3 - Techniques - list item 3
> href
> "href"
> alt "text"
> "alt" text
> 2. Guideline 2 - Checkpoint 2.2 - Techniques - last list item
> to to stop
> to stop
> 2. Guideline 2 - Checkpoint 2.5 - Techniques - list item 3
> to received
> to receive
> on request, with a brief signal should indicate
> on request; a brief signal should indicate
> 2. Guideline 2 - Checkpoint 2.6 - Techniques - last list item
> and and
> and
> 2. Guideline 2 - Checkpoint 2.7 - Techniques - par. 2
> less than a few words long foreign phrases
> [not sure:]
> foreign phrases less than a few words long
> 2. Guideline 2 - Checkpoint 2.7 - Techniques - list item 6
> "...Refer to "Character Model for the World Wide Web"
>      [CHARMOD], which defines various aspects of a character
>      model for the World Wide Web."
> [could be shortened to:]
>      Refer to "Character Model for the World Wide Web" [CHARMOD].
> 2. Guideline 4 - Checkpoint 4.15 - Techniques - list item 2 and par. 2
> "a discrete alert" and "they may (discretely) inform"
> [Sorry I'm not sure here: those could be "discreet" and "discreetly".]
> 2. Guideline 6 - Checkpoint 6.1 - Note
> [The Note refers the reader to the current document [UA-TECHNIQUES].
> I'm not sure if that was intended.]
> 2. Guideline 7 - Checkpoint 7.1 - Techniques - 2.7.1 - par. 1
> to sequential navigate
> to sequentially navigate
> unit
> units
> 2. Guideline 7 - Checkpoint 7.1 - Techniques - 2.7.1 - par. 2
> and using the arrow keys
> and use the arrow keys
> [or:]
> and, using the arrow keys, within
> 2. Guideline 7 - Checkpoint 7.1 - Techniques - 2.7.1 - IMG alt text
> Jaws for Window Links List view
> Jaws for Windows Links List view
> 2. Guideline 7 - Checkpoint 7.6 - Techniques - list item 3
> navigation. E.g.,
> navigation, e.g.,
> 2. Guideline 7 - Checkpoint 7.6 - Techniques - list item 4
> Allow the user limit
> Allow the user to limit
> 2. Guideline 7 - Checkpoint 7.6 - Techniques - list item 7
> Depth first as well as breadth first possible.
> ["if possible"?]
> 2. Guideline 7 - Checkpoint 7.7 - Techniques - list item 3
> important parts content.
> important parts of content.
> 2. Guideline 8 - Checkpoint 8.6 - Techniques - list item 1
> navigation. E.g.,
> navigation, e.g.,
> 2. Guideline 8 - Checkpoint 8.6 - par. before IMG
> "...The following image shows the table of contents view
>      provided by Amaya. The table of contents view provided by
>      Amaya can be navigated and..."
> [You could maybe eliminate a repetition:]
>      The following image shows the table of contents view
>      provided by Amaya. The table of contents view in Amaya
>      can be navigated and...
> 2. Guideline 9 - Checkpoint 9.1 - Techniques - list item 1
> There are time when
> There are times when
> 2. Guideline 9 - Checkpoint 9.2 - Techniques - list item 2
> pointing this out/asking
> pointing this out, asking
> 2. Guideline 9 - Checkpoint 9.3 - Techniques - list item 2
> table, body, img
> 2. Guideline 9 - Checkpoint 9.5 - Techniques - list item 5
>      See new HTML work on Forms for further examples (a slider
>      is like a dial is like a menu of lots of options...)
> [not sure here:]
>      See new HTML work on forms for further examples; (a slider
>      is like a dial is like a menu of lots of options...).
> 2. Guideline 10 - Checkpoint 10.3 - Techniques - list item 2 number 2
> over-ride
> override
> 2. Guideline 10 - Checkpoint 10.4 par. 3
> [I didn't understand the placement or intent of the list of three items.]
> 2. Guideline 10 - Checkpoint 10.4 - Techniques - 2.10.4 par. 4
> This type os
> This type of
> 2. Guideline 10 - Checkpoint 10.5 - Techniques - last par.
> [You might consider making Zero, Layers, Frames, and Headings lowercase.]
> 2. Guideline 11 - Checkpoint 11.1 - Techniques - list item 2
> flow-charts
> flowcharts
> 2. Guideline 11 - Checkpoint 11.1 - Techniques - par. 5
> UAs
> UA's
> 2. Guideline 11 - Checkpoint 11.3 - Techniques - table Notes item 3 and 4
> can not [twice]
> cannot
> 2. Guideline 11 - Checkpoint 11.3 - Techniques - table Notes item 8
> cascading style sheets (css)
> Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
> 3.1.1 par. 1
> where a table cell ends, or a list item, etc.
> where a table cell or a list item ends, etc.
> it's
> its
> 3.1.2 par. 1
> "...In the Amaya browser [AMAYA], users may access attribute
>      values as follows: Place the cursor at the element in
>      question, open/swap to the structure view. You are shown
>      list of attributes and values. Another technique: select
>      the element (press escape in Linux), then the attributes
>      are all available from the attributes menu.
> [A few minor changes:]
>      In the Amaya browser [AMAYA], users may access attribute
>      values ["with two techniques"?]. By placing the cursor at
>      the element in question, users can open or swap to the
>      structure view where one is shown a list of attributes
>      and values. By selecting an element (press Escape [or "ESC"?]
>      in Linux), attributes are all available from the attributes
>      menu.
> 3.1.3 par. 5
> rendered, should
> rendered. Should
> 3.2 par. 8
> atop
> stop
> 3.2 par. 10
> On selecting from among available description tracks.
> [This is an incomplete sentence, and I'm not sure what was intended.]
> 3.3 list item 5
> Do _not_ rely on visual or aural prompts <em>alone</em>
> Do <em>not</em> rely on visual or aural prompts <em>alone</em>
> 3.3 list item 6
> Do <strong>not</strong> rely on visual or aural prompts *alone*
> Do <strong>not</strong> rely on visual or aural prompts <em>alone</em>
> 3.3 par. 4
> but whitespace only
> as whitespace only
> 3.4 par. 5
> for all list
> for all lists
> 3.5.3 par. 3
> of skip over it.
> or skip over it.
> 3.5.4. par. 3 list item 1
> to contains
> contains
> 3.5.4. par. 5 list item 5
> M-1
> N-1
> 3.5.7 par. 2
> user preference
> a user preference
> 3.6 par. 4 list item 6
> Make available frame title
> Make available the frame title
> 3.6 par. 8
> "...Using DOM and operating specific accessibility API to
>      expose frame information provides one means for assistive
>      technologies to provide alternative control of frames and
>      rendering of frame information."
> [Could one repetition of "provides" be changed? Possibly:]
>      Using DOM and operating system specific accessibility APIs to
>      expose frame information provides one means for assistive
>      technologies to give users alternative control of frames and
>      rendering of frame information.
> 3.7 par. 3
> percentage of form
> percentage of a form
> 3.7 par. 4
> "...Allow the user to know what percentage of a form has been
>      completed as the user navigates the form. will help users
>      avoid prematurely submitting an incomplete form."
> [could read:]
>      Allowing the user to know what percentage of a form has been
>      completed as the user navigates the form will help users
>      avoid prematurely submitting an incomplete form.
> 3.7 par. 6 list item 1
> contains a form.
> contains a form).
> 3.7 par. 9
> focus an "Y"
> focus, and "Y"
> 3.7 par. 10
> pertaining to form:
> pertaining to forms:
> 3.7 par. 11 list item 1
> HTML 4.0 HTML 4.0
> HTML 4
> "...For example, if the LEGEND element has been used to
>      identify a FIELDSET of radio buttons, each of which has a
>      LABEL element ([HTML40], section 17.9.1) associated with
>      it, as "Connection Rate", identify the radio button as it
>      receives content focus as "Connection Rate: Radio button
>      X of Y: 28.8kpbs", where "Y" represents the total number
>      of radio buttons in the grouping and "28.8kbps" is the
>      information contained in the LABEL associated with the
>      radio button with content focus."
> [That sentence is clear but too long. Maybe try three sentences:]
>      For example, the LEGEND element might identify a FIELDSET
>      of radio buttons as "Connection Rate". Each button could
>      have a LABEL element ([HTML40], section 17.9.1) stating
>      a rate. When it receives content focus, identify the radio
>      button as "Connection Rate: Radio button X of Y: 28.8kpbs",
>      where "Y" represents the total number of radio buttons in
>      the grouping and "28.8kbps" is the information contained
>      in the LABEL.
> 3.7 par. 11 list item 2
> [Can the names of keyboard keys be regularized? In this list we have
> RETURN and return, right-arrow and UP/DOWN arrow, and "tab". Same for
> 3.8 par. 3.]
> 3.7 third to last par.
> OPTION's, have some key like the ESC key ot exit the list of OPTION's
> [3 minor changes here:]
> OPTIONs, have some key like the ESC key to exit the list of OPTIONs
> 3.7 second to last par.
> sot that
> so that
> 3.7.1 par. 2
> one: exposes
> one exposes
> 3.7.1 par. 4
> javascript [twice]
> JavaScript
> "...which utilize HTML4's event handler script attributes (in
>      particular the "onchange" event handler attribute has
>      been defined. An example (gleaned from the document
>      source for one Web site follows:"
> [minor parentheses changes:]
>      which utilize HTML4's event handler script attributes; (in
>      particular the "onchange" event handler attribute has
>      been defined). An example (gleaned from the document
>      source for one Web site) follows:
> 3.7.1 par. 5
> a individual
> an individual
> javascript [three times]
> JavaScript
> [This paragraph also needs an ending period.]
> 3.7.1 list following par. 7
> [Not sure but I'd use parentheses () in place of braces {}.]
> 4. StickyKeys
> upper case
> uppercase
> 4. BounceKeys
> if the user bounces (e.g., tremor)
> if the user bounces (e.g., has a tremor)
> 4. introductory par. for second and third groups
> built in
> built-in
> 4. Accessibility Wizard
> with making choices which setting up
> with making choices about [not sure there] setting up
> 4. DOS list item 5
> incorrectly name
> incorrectly named
> 5. list
> [Maybe AT, UA, and DLL could be spelled out the first time they are used.]
> 5. par. 4 Note
> User Agent
> user agent
> 5. "Determining the Assistive Technologies to load" par. 1
> Jave
> Java
> 5. "Attaching the Assistive Technologies to the DOM." par. 2
> User Agent's
> user agent's
> 5. "Attaching the Assistive Technologies to the DOM." last par.
> it's
> its
> DOM's
> DOMs
> 5. Java Access Bridge par. 1
> without the creating
> without creating
> Library) (DLL)
> Library (DLL)
> 5. "Loading assistive technologies for indirect access to User Agent
> DOMs" par. 1 and 2
> User Agent [five times]
> user agent
> 5. "Loading assistive technologies for indirect access to User Agent
> DOMs" par. 3
> a interface/pointer
> an interface/pointer
> 6. Orientation list item 3
> the"tabindex"
> the "tabindex"
> 6. Metadata last par.
> For example, if
> If
> 6. Synthesized speech [not sure here:]
> Allowing users to reply words alone and in context.
> Allowing users to repeat words alone and in context.
> Rendering text according in the appropriate natural language.
> Rendering text according to the appropriate natural language.
> 7. Equivalent Alternatives for Content par. 2
> The Techniques Document
> [Refers to the current document. Could be omitted or maybe try:]
> This Techniques document
> 8. Recognize
> etc
> etc.
> 8. Rendered content
> c.f.
> cf.
> 9.
> [If you wish to list Techniques and the Checklists in References,
> maybe the Guidelines could also be listed.]
> 10. [ALTIFIER]
> for generates "alt" text
> generates "alt" text
> 10. [JAVA-TUT]
> User Interface
> user interface
> This list is maintained by WAI.
> This list is maintained by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).
> Reference:
> [1]
> Thank you for your time. Best wishes,
> --
> Susan Lesch

Ian Jacobs (
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2000 11:34:06 UTC