Re: error in Tech example of target att

Sorry, for my misunderstanding of your comment.  I thought you were asking
the UA group to tell browsers not to support "_new".  Thanks for the

At 09:12 PM 2/29/00 -0500, Nir Dagan wrote:
>I do not see how what you say is related to my message.
>As far as I understand the example explained how to support 
>wrong markup i.e. target="_new". The explanation is in contradiction to 
>the HTML recommendation that refers explicitly to this markup error 
>with "user agents should ignore" this "target name". So one possibility
>is to that the guidelines should note that the new recommendation 
>from W3C is in contradiction to HTML4.01. Also I would like to know why 
>changing HTML4.01 is needed. 
>I think that this was not the intention of the guideline.
>The intention was to show a possible way to support correct 
>markup, such as target="foo" or target="_blank". So I suggested 
>to change the example to have correct markup, as I think was intended.
>At 04:19 PM 2/29/00 -0600, Jon Gunderson wrote:
>>Thanks for comments.
>>In general the guidelines do not tell developers not to do something.  What
>>we do say is that they should conform to open standards that are accessible
>>like the ones available from the W3C and then in the Web Content Guidelines
>>for authors to use correct markup.  If a user agent wants to extend the
>>functionality through some proprietary markup, we don't say not to do it.
>>This could lead to a long list of items that would be beyond the capability
>>of the working group to manage.
>>At 03:50 PM 2/29/00 -0500, Nir Dagan wrote:
>>>article 4.16: 
>>>there is an (implicit HTML) markup example of <a target="_new"> 
>>>To make a long story short, replacing "_new" 
>>>with "_blank" in the example, would be a good change.
>>>To keep a long story long:
>>>In HTML the value of target must begin with a letter [a-zA-Z]
>>>unless it is a reserved name starting with an underscore. "_new" 
>>>is not one of these reserved names.
>>>where it says:
>>>"6.16 Frame target names
>>>Except for the reserved names listed below, frame target names 
>>>(%FrameTarget; in the DTD) must begin with an alphabetic 
>>>character (a-zA-Z). User agents should ignore all other 
>>>target names."
>Nir Dagan
>Assistant Professor of Economics
>Brown University 
>Providence, RI

Jon Gunderson, Ph.D., ATP
Coordinator of Assistive Communication and Information Technology
Chair, W3C WAI User Agent Working Group
Division of Rehabilitation - Education Services
College of Applied Life Studies
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
1207 S. Oak Street, Champaign, IL  61820

Voice: (217) 244-5870
Fax: (217) 333-0248



Received on Wednesday, 1 March 2000 09:20:23 UTC