Re: Tenative meeting on the DOM with AT vendors for the User Agent Guidelines wrote:
> I think you should know that I met with the DOM working group in
> California. We (PF group) plan on extending the DOM further for
> accessibility in DOM 3. Furthermore, I have started the wheels rolling on
> an editorial team in the DOM working group to address the feasibility of
> extending the DOM to include the "chrome." There were a number of DOM WG
> members who were very interested in this prospect for a number reasons:
> audio browsers pervasive devices, etc.

That's exciting!
> I don't understand why you feel it is necessary to solicit support given
> that there is no other mechanism other than going back down the antiquated
> OSM route to get the needed information.

One reason is to ensure that people aren't more interested in the OSM...

 - Ian

> Jon Gunderson wrote:
> We hope to gain their support in using the DOM as the primary way to provide
> an exchange of WWW content between user agents and assistive technologies.
> We have tenatively scheduled this meeting for 18 Feburary at 2:00 EST.  I
> would like to invite all of you to participate in this teleconference and
> was wondering about your availability and interest in attending at the
> tenative date and time.

 - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel/Fax:                     +1 212 684-1814 or 212 532-4767
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Monday, 31 January 2000 10:24:54 UTC