Potential Extra UA Telecon next week

If we do not clear the issues list today I am going to schedule an extra
telecon for Wednesday 26 January at 12:00-1:30 EST.  

We have had alot of telecons this month so let's try to focus on clearing
the issues list today.  I urge people to prepare by reviewing all the
issues and recent comments related to an issue so that we can quickly
identify resolutions to issues.


Jon Gunderson, Ph.D., ATP
Coordinator of Assistive Communication and Information Technology
Chair, W3C WAI User Agent Working Group
Division of Rehabilitation - Education Services
College of Applied Life Studies
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
1207 S. Oak Street, Champaign, IL  61820

Voice: (217) 244-5870
Fax: (217) 333-0248

E-mail: jongund@uiuc.edu

WWW: http://www.staff.uiuc.edu/~jongund
WWW: http://www.w3.org/wai/ua

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2000 09:47:06 UTC