Proposed simplification to checkpoint 1.1 (device-independent access)


Per my action item assigned at the 9 December Austin ftf 
for issue 172 [1], here is a proposal for a simplified 
checkpoint 1.1.

Text in 20 December 1999 UAGL:

1.1 Ensure that every functionality offered through the user 
    interface is available through every input device API used
    by the user agent. User agents are not required to
    reimplement low-level functionalities (e.g., for character 
input or pointer motion) that are inherently bound
    to a particular API and most naturally accomplished with 
    that API. [Priority 1] 

New text:

1.1 Ensure that each functionality available
    through the user interface is also
    available through each supported input 
    device API. Excluded from this requirement
    are functionalities that are part of an input
    API itself (e.g., text input for the keyboard
    API, pointer motion for the pointer API, 

Notes on changes:

 note 1) The Note after 1.1 would remain the same:

         Note. The device-independence required by this 
         checkpoint applies to functionalities described 
         by the other checkpoints in this document (e.g.,
         installation, documentation, user agent user 
         interface configuration, etc.). This checkpoint  
         does not require user agents to use all operating system
         input device APIs, only to make the software accessible
         through those they do use. 

 note 2) Changes will need to be propagated to checkpoint 1.4
         (keyboard specialization).
 - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel/Fax:                     +1 212 684-1814
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Tuesday, 28 December 1999 15:09:47 UTC