A look at tables (examples please)

Hello Everyone:

I would like to suggest that we have examples of tables so we can talk
about spacific rows columns ECT.

Do we have a place that we can refer to in our documents (techneque section)?
******* MQ *******
*******              Mickey Quenzer            *******
******* Productivity Works Technical Support   *******
*******    Phone: 253-475-3811                 ******* 
*******    Email: {mickeyq@prodworks.com}    *******
******* WWW SITE: {http://www.prodworks.com}        *******
******* PWWebspeak ssil support:  *******
******* {http://www.prodworks.com/ssil_setup.html} *******

Received on Tuesday, 21 December 1999 09:56:30 UTC