Re: comments on guidelines

"Leonard R. Kasday" wrote:
> Sorry,  What I meant was that if they don't use the standard API interface,
> they provide some other API, a way to interact with it, and documentation
> explaining how to do it so that people don't have to reverse engineer it.
> This would be in practice a link to their internal interface. I'm assuming
> that most software design has some sort of clean interface even if it
> doesn't follow the operating system standards.
> Since their may be valid implementation problems even with this, priority
> would be less than 1.

I think this will be addressed by the resolution of the Austin
face-to-face meeting for issue #114. In fact, no specific interface
will be required, but preference will be in order of
system-standard, accessible proprietary.

 - Ian

Received on Thursday, 16 December 1999 15:33:04 UTC