Minutes from 9 December UAGL Face-to-face in Austin


The minutes from the meeting [1] are online. For those
who wish to dial in tomorrow:

>For those calling into the meeting the phone number is >888-566-6350. The
>passcode is 31069 and the passcode is needed.

>The phone confirmation for December 9th is 6322664 and for >December 10th it
>is 6322737 should you need it (you should not). If you want to >disconnect
>at breaks it is fine just connect back in after break.

- Ian

[1] http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/1999/12/ftf-19991209.html
Ian Jacobs (jacobs@w3.org)   http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs
Tel/Fax:                     +1 212 684-1814
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Thursday, 9 December 1999 18:28:42 UTC