Re: Revised Checkpoints: WCAG(1.4/1.3) and UAAG(2.5)

Eric discusses how thought has to be given to the time-management of play
when a little extra time has to be inserted here or there.

There is a similar problem with screen real estate.  In our simple
experiments with real-time remote signing and transcription at SC'99, the
answer came back clearly that access to both should be available.

What this indicates is that "make the alternatives available in the context
of synchronized play" extends to playing several of the alternatives and
not just one. 

[That is one thing that I suspect the UAAG Checkpoint 2.5 should be clearer
on than the way I read Eric's draft language for this point.]

However, it gets increasingly difficult to pre-plan or accomodate the play
of multiple supplements in the graphic design of the composite display.  I
am not saying that I have an answer to propose, just that there is problems
in the management of screen space resources just as in the management of
real-time budgetary and flow resources.


Received on Sunday, 5 December 1999 10:12:07 UTC