Re: WD-WAI-USERAGENT-19991105 review

aloha, charles!

you raise a very valid question -- do assistive technologies need to use the
write functionalities of the DOM in order to provide access to content, but the
working group has -- so far -- heard extremely little from ANY of the adaptive
technology vendors whose opinions we've solicited, and whose representatives
have sat amongst us, detailing exactly what it is that they need from the
DOM...  this is input that needs not only to be plowed back into the UA WG, but
the DOM WG as well...

i was also wondering if you might elaborate upon your intriguing comment:
There is a broader question of whether the DOM is indeed something that needs
to be implemented, or whether it is sufficient to implement an interface, with
the use of DOM in particular being a lower priority.


He that lives on Hope, dies farting
     -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
   WebMaster and Minister of Propaganda, VICUG NYC

Received on Friday, 3 December 1999 14:39:49 UTC