Re: comments on guidelines

My comments on your comments preceded by LRK2::

> >  > Guideline 4. Ensure user control over styles
> >
> > Authors can associate a meaning with a style (e.g. "new", "sale",
> > "obsolete"), but there is presently no standard way to specify what it
> > is.  As a workaround, the UA should give access to the name of the
> > style.
>This is probably covered by 2.1: ensure access to all content.

LRK2: First, let me correct what I said:  I really meant names of classes.

This was discussed in the Sept and October wai-er-ig archives under "CSS 
abuse". It may be true that technically speaking class names are required 
to be accessible, although I'm having trouble seeing that.

However, at best, most readers will miss that.    2.1 talks about 
"alternative equivalents for content".   Hence it is talking about 
alternatives to what a sighted user sees, or what a hearing person hears, 
but doesn't address alternatives to things that nobody normally sees or 
hears.  For example, sighted users don't see image filenames.  Hence, 2.1 
doesn't require agents to provide alternative representations of image 
filenames.  Similarly, users don't see names of classes. So 2.1 doesn't 
seem to require alternatives here either.

Therefore I think this has to be an explicit requirement or few if any 
implementors will do it.

> >  > 2.5 Allow the user to specify that continuous equivalent tracks (e.g.,
> >  > closed captions, auditory descriptions, video of sign language, etc.) be
> >  > rendered at the same time as audio and video tracks. [Priority 1]
> >
> > LRK: Suggest you clarify: just "at the same time" but interleaved according
> > to e.g. SMIL code.
>Meaning: respect synchronization?

LRK2:: yes, synchronized per SMIL description.

Leonard R. Kasday, Ph.D.
Institute on Disabilities/UAP, and
Department of Electrical Engineering
Temple University
423 Ritter Annex, Philadelphia, PA 19122

(215) 204-2247 (voice)
(800) 750-7428 (TTY)

Received on Friday, 3 December 1999 11:12:42 UTC