Re: Definition of "applicability"

At 06:24 PM 11/30/1999 , Ian Jacobs wrote:
>Per my action assigned 30 November at the ATAG teleconf, here is
>a definition of "applicability" that is short.
>It differs from the UAGL definition (as of the last
>call draft) in that it relies on common sense, not a series of 
>specific cases of non-applicability.

I was pondering this week whether we could identify "applicability
groups" -- in the sense that the WCAG's checkpoints seem to be
organized along a "And if you use <X>..." basis.  Perhaps this 
concept could be useful for Authoring Tools, e.g.:

And if your tool allows for WYSIWYG editing...
And if your tool provides templates...

Would this even be possible?  It works for WCAG because you can
divide HTML into distinct groupings of elements and attributes --
frames, imagemaps, etc.  Can we define functionality categories
for Authoring Tools in a parallel manner, or am I just nuts today?

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Tuesday, 30 November 1999 21:36:35 UTC