TABLE refs from HC review of HTML4

A: Theory

In the User Agent Guidelines, I think that we should make the following

a) Metadata such as SUMMARY on TABLE are included in "make all information
in the document" as required in Guideline [foo].

b) Relationships established by IDREF (such as HEADERS on TD) are likewise
included in the information content of the document.

c) Exposing information using the appropriate associative structure (e.g.
headers that go with a cell) is very important to some people with
disabilities, meriting at least a Priority 2 (table may be practically
unusable without it).

d) Information in tables is where point c) often becomes critical.

e) I myself would make a priority distinction between implementing table
orientation at the [Do what HTML4 says based on what the author gave you]
level from [do more than HTML4 says where the author didn't tell you].

B: Methods (checkpoints? or at least techniques)

The UA ideas we were operating with as HTML4 cleared review were roughly as
given in:

  baseline operational concept

as linked from:



Received on Wednesday, 3 November 1999 13:29:42 UTC