Re: Proposed modification to Guideline 1 and Guideline 2

At 11:14 PM 10/28/99 -0400, Ian Jacobs wrote:
>> AG:: I don't think you have this stated just right just yet.
>> Supported devices: should be the standard devices for the environment plus
>> others ad lib.
>What part is missing? 
> - "Standard API" is covered by another checkpoint"
> - "Other devices" is not prohibited by 1.1 as stated?

What is missing is the case where 

- the UA supports a device beyond the "standard devices" for that environment
- there is an environment-standard API for talking to this "extra" interface
- the UA talks to this extra device but does not use the
environment-standard API

Then one can allocate some of "all functionality" to this non-standard
device (thereby satisfying 1.1 as stated), but that functionality will not
be available for remapping by the environment-standard APIs.  I think the
OS/language standard APIs are not limited to the "standard devices."
Anyhow, that is the reasoning behind how I think there is a loophole in the
way you have assembled the checkpoints.


Received on Thursday, 28 October 1999 23:51:21 UTC