- From: David Poehlman <poehlman@clark.net>
- Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 20:12:22 -0500
- To: Jon Gunderson <jongund@uiuc.edu>
- CC: w3c-wai-ua@w3.org
Hi, does hj count even though we have gg on the team? also, can we get jbliss to review? How about kursweil as in steven baum? how about the author of simply internet? I nominate Criss Gray in urleen's stead either or. and might vocalis be interested? http://www.vocalis.com/ Thanks! -- Hands-On Technolog(eye)s Touching The Internet: mailto:poehlman@clark.net Voice: 301.949.7599 ftp://ftp.clark.net/pub/poehlman http://poehlman.clark.net Dynamic Solutions Inc. Best of service for your small business network needs! http://www.dnsolutions.com ---sig off---
Received on Thursday, 28 October 1999 20:13:03 UTC