- From: David Poehlman <poehlman@clark.net>
- Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 14:37:09 -0500
- To: WAI User Agent Working Group <w3c-wai-ua@w3.org>
You'll see in this message that there is now a browsing component specifically for sonification of images and loading web pages. I have yet to look it over but will report as soon as I do. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [The vOICe] GIF support and Internet Access Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 07:08:43 +0200 From: peter.b.l.meijer@philips.com Reply-To: seeingwithsound@egroups.com To: <seeingwithsound@egroups.com> Hi All, The latest version 1.34 of The vOICe Learning Edition now supports reading GIF image files, thus adding to the existing support for BMP images and JPEG images (the latter through the optional add-on). You can now import GIF images in the usual way via the file requester that pops up after pressing Control O, or by traversing the File menu. GIF images involve a compression scheme that is patented by Unisys, so I needed a Unisys license in order to legally provide GIF support. David Poehlman deserves all the credit for negotiating a license with Unisys. Without David's efforts, there would have been no GIF support, and I am certain that I would have failed where he has succeeded. This is a perfect example of how representatives from the blind user community can make a real difference in the development of their own assistive technology. Thank you, David! Developers and users can indeed help each other to move forward toward the goals of universal accessibility. The new GIF support includes support for animated GIFs, by sounding the individual image frames of an animated GIF as a looping sequence of soundscapes. Now with GIF support available, we have covered the two most popular image formats used on the Internet: GIF and JPEG. The next logical step was to enable sonification of images on the web, by sounding any images contained in web pages. This too has become possible with the latest version of The vOICe Learning Edition. It has a built-in sonification browser that lets you enter the URL of an image file or a web page. When you press Control U, a new Internet Access dialog pops up that lets you enter a URL. If you enter an image URL, this image will be downloaded to your current working directory and then automatically sonified. If you enter a web page URL, The vOICe will parse the page and make a list of images and links in another edit box within this dialog. After tabbing to that edit box, you can use the up and down arrow keys, as well as the page up and page down keys, to move through the list. Pressing ENTER on any line will cause the corresponding item to be loaded. If it was a reference to an image file, it will be downloaded to your current working directory and sonified. If it was a link to yet another web page, this new web page will be loaded, thus resulting in a new list. The list of items is always organized such that one line gives the filename (preceeded by an item count) and the next line gives a further file description, if available. For instance, in case of an image, the image filename on one line is followed by the ALT tag description of the image on the next line. In case of a link, the link text is normally displayed on the second line. The Back and Forward buttons (Alt+b and Alt+f) in the dialog can be used to move back and forth among web page URLs much like in a regular browser. Note, however, that you have to press ENTER to activate the currently selected web page URL. Also note that The vOICe browsers does not handle or render the text of a web page. For that you should use a regular browser in conjunction with your screen reader: The vOICe jumps in where regular browser accessibility ends. A nice example web page to try is the home page of the Whitehouse at http://www.whitehouse.gov/ which has both GIF and JPEG images. A preliminary new web page describing The vOICe Internet Sonification Browser is http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Peter_Meijer/eyebrows.htm The vOICe Learning Edition version 1.34 executable voice.exe (400 K file size) can be downloaded directly from one of the URLs http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Peter_Meijer/voice.exe http://www.gironet.nl/home/meijerpb/voice.exe http://www.seeingwithsound.com/voice.exe As always, my main focus and interest will remain on using a camera with live environmental scenery, but disclosing other channels of visual information should further underline the generality of The vOICe approach. Best wishes, Peter Meijer Soundscapes from The vOICe - Seeing with your Ears! http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Peter_Meijer/winvoice.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To unsubscribe from the seeingwithsound list, send a blank e-mail to seeingwithsound-unsubscribe@egroups.com, and to subscribe again send a blank e-mail to seeingwithsound-subscribe@egroups.com
Received on Saturday, 16 October 1999 14:37:26 UTC