Re: Proposed rewording of checkpoint on input device independence

>   Ensure that all functionalities offered through
>   the user interface may be operated through all
>   input device APIs supported by the user agent. [Priority 1]

I don't agree with this. This says that a user agent need only support those
input devics the user agend wishes to support. At least that is how it reads to


Rich Schwerdtfeger
Lead Architect, IBM Special Needs Systems

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.", Frost

Ian Jacobs <> on 10/09/99 11:15:12 AM

Subject:  Proposed rewording of checkpoint on input device independence


Although Rich S. has an action item from [1] to propose
rewording for the checkpoint on input device independence, I'd
like to submit the following proposal:

Checkpoint 1.1:
   Ensure that all functionalities offered through
   the user interface may be operated through all
   input device APIs supported by the user agent. [Priority 1]
          Note. User agents are not required to
          support all operating system input device APIs.
          However, they are expected to support all
          standard input device APIs (e.g., mouse and
          keyboard for desktop computers, touch screen
          input for kiosks, pen or keypad input for
          small devices, etc.) Refer also to checkpoint 6.1.

Checkpoint 6.1:
   Use the standard input and output device APIs supported
   by the operating system. [Priority 1]

 - Ian


Ian Jacobs (
Tel/Fax:                     +1 212 684-1814
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Monday, 11 October 1999 10:07:41 UTC