Re: MINUTES(edited): W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 22 September 1999

Jon Gunderson wrote:
> 5) Issue #80 Make audio available as text.
> MR: In rationale of Guideline 1, I thought an additional example on output
> device independence. Example would meet needs of deaf users and output device
> independence. Take text from [3]:
> "And any output provided in audio should also be available in text since
> most alternative output mechanisms rely on the presence of system-drawn
> text on the
> screen."

>AG: Also add cross-reference to show sounds in techniques document. 

>Resolved: ok to add text to introduction 


I looked back at this text from [3] and I'm not sure I understand.
Why does it belong in the section on device independence? Is this
about user agents *generating* text from audio? Or about ensuring
that author-supplied text is available? 

Or does "audio" mean "speech"?

Before adding to the document, I need some clarification.

Thank you,

 - Ian


Received on Thursday, 23 September 1999 17:35:46 UTC