Re: UA techniques for abbr and acronym

At 01:03 PM 9/20/99 -0400, Harvey Bingham wrote:
>At 1999-09-19 07:23 PM-0500, Jim Thatcher wrote:
>>Is there a different/more general meaning for
>>"content" used in w3c/wai? Please believe me, that is a question!
>No, I need to be consistent with HTML and XML terminology,
>less sloppy than I used it. Below, I clean up that source
>of confusion. I mark my original with XdeleteX _insert_

For the purposes of discussing User Agent implementation of ABBR and
ACRONYM elements in HTML, it suffices to use 'content' for the element
content in the strict sense, as you say.

On the other hand, in terms of how the WAI uses 'content' in general:  The
WAI documents use 'content' for different things in different places.
There is not one meaning that fits exactly in all contexts.  In particular
we agonized about the title of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
because it applies to element content, choice of markup, and cross-linking
patterns among HTML 'documents.'  But we had to use the plain English
meaning at times and the HTML-technical meaning at other times.  We needed
both meanings and overloading the term was clearer than introducing a word
_nobody_ understood for one meaning or the other.


Received on Monday, 20 September 1999 16:47:29 UTC