Re: Conformance evaluations of IBM Home Page Reader

aloha, charles!

you spoke sooth when you wrote:
>To take a more
>concrete example, I believe that Jaws for Windows will produce different
>compliance levels when used with different pieces of software)

one example can be drawn from the amount of information that JFW makes
available when the user tabs from link to link...  using JFW and MSIE (4 or 5),
if a TITLE has been defined for a hyperlink, one hears the TITLE text
announced, whereas in Netscape, the hyperlink text is spoken, even when a TITLE
has been defined for a hyperlink...  moving from link to link using Opera's
native keyboard support -- that is, by using the Q or CONTROL+UpArrow keys to
move to the next link and A or CONTROL+DownArrow to move to the next link -- 
neither the hyperlink text nor the TITLE, if present, is spoken...  moreover,
as one moves from link to link, only the content of the first non-active
element in the current viewport is announced ...  even when using a customized
script for Opera 3.6 (such as that available from the JFW mailing list's
hyperarchive) -- so that one can TAB from link to link (a keystroke which is
second nature to most web surfers), and so that the current viewport is
automatically spoken -- moving from link to link does NOT cause any aural
output to be issued by JFW...

as for how this refers to the UAGL, (a) knowing where one is as one moves from
link to link is the basis of web navigation, and (b) i believe that exposing
the information contained within a hyperlink is covered by (amongst others)
Checkpoint 3.2

3.2 For dependent user agents only. Ensure that the user has access to the
content of an element selected by the user. [Priority 1] 

1. pages that use the TITLE element in hyperlink definitions:
        (refer specifically to the use of TITLE in hyperlinks that refer to
defined terms)
        (refer specifically to the introductory text)
2. the JFW mailing list pages:

He that lives on Hope, dies farting
     -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
   President, WebMaster, & Minister of Propaganda, 
        VICUG NYC <>

Received on Monday, 30 August 1999 13:20:54 UTC