Re: Tabbing idea

At 01:58 PM 3/3/99 -0500, Marja-Riitta Koivunen wrote:
>Could the tabbing among different kind of elements be defined similar to a
>"find" and "find next" dialog box (in accessible way). In addition to the
>text string, the user could select which element types are searched e.g.
>header, table, paragraph, table cell, a named element.
>The user could then define some of the most useful searches to be in a
>separate list easily available to users e.g. when alt tab is pressed.
>Can this be done in an easily accessible way?

Given the dubious success in making forms slick for all, access to query
formulation is a research topic IMHO.  Doable, but we don't know how to
articulate how to do it.


>  Marja

Received on Wednesday, 3 March 1999 15:28:21 UTC