Separate, but equal ?

I've been thinking about the table issue and am not at all comfortable
with the proposal that access to tables will be provided by the
access technology without the access technology developers
agreeing to the approach.  In a way, what is being proposed is that
access technology will also need to include certain aspects of
browser technology.  Do access technology developers really want to do that
or are they being forced into it to compensate for the limitations
resulting from various browser developers' refusal to provide appropriate
direct access in the software being developed?

I'm considering posting a note to some blind-related mailing lists
which the various access developers read and get their opinions
on this issue.  If most of the access technology developers do want to
also develop browser technology, then I probably won't have a problem
with what is being proposed.


Received on Tuesday, 2 February 1999 16:03:31 UTC