Techniques, tables

Legend:  #...# DELETE  %...% ADD

3.3 Styles and formatting

Properly constructed data tables generally have distinct TH head cells and TD data cells. The TD cell content gains #gain# implicit identification from TH cells in the same column and/or row#.#%, including those that span
into the column and/or row%. 

For layout tables, a user agent can assist the reader by indicating that no relationship# between#%s among% cells should be expected. Authors should not use TH cells just for their formatting purpose in layout tables# is discouraged#, as those TH cells imply that some TD cells should gain meaning from the TH cell content. 

    How should this persist into the authored material?  Do we need guidance in the <summary>...</summary>
    such as 
        <summary>data table with three columns, containing links, news, and weather</summary>

I believe that is better than the alternative, a comment:
    <!-- layout table -->


Received on Thursday, 29 April 1999 22:56:09 UTC