example table transform that works in embossed braille

Here is an example of a typical table application that has been
successfully morphed into a list for Braille presentation.

It helps to have concrete examples of what works; so I am passing
along this note from the blind-issues list.

One interesting point is that the graphical device of indenting
works in Braille -- you just use one or two character indents
instead of larger indents.  In speech you probably need to
introduce each field in the record with some earcon or other
indication of what field it is.

This suggests that the first TABLE to list transform could be
done in a way that is generic across speech, Braille and pagers,
but puts the list in a form where it is within the power of
available styling transforms to do the rest of the job.

----- Forwarded message from Kelly Ford -----

From: Kelly Ford <kford@TELEPORT.COM>
Subject:      Citibank Offering Braille Credit Card Statements

Hi All,

Citibank has recently started offering braille versions of your monthly
credit card statement.  To get this feature added to your account call the
customer service department at:

(800) 950-5114

I've just received my first statement from them in braille and the format
and such seems good.  They use what I believe is technically called a stair
step table format to present the purchase and payment information.  In this
format each column of the table is one line down and indented two cells to
the right of the previous line.  Subsequent lines from the same column and
row (text that's more than a single braille line) appears at the same
margin setting.  The format makes quick scanning quite easy, as each new
purchase starts at the left edge of the page.  The statement is printed on
8 1/2" x 11" braille paper.

I'm not sure how they are producing their braille statements.  This month
my print and braille statements arrived on the same day.  Whether this will
be standard operating procedure or not I can't say.  Anyway, if you have a
Citibank card you may find this of value.


----- End of forwarded message from Kelly Ford -----

Received on Sunday, 27 September 1998 10:20:21 UTC