RE: Confidential-Draft UA Charter

I agree that measuring "improved access" is vague. The charter also says
that we will "Evaluate the usability of accessibility features" under 2.1
scope of work items. What if instead we  say something like, "Establish a
mechanism for having users with disabilities test the usability of user
agent features." I think it would be important to get feedback formally or
informally from users who are not directly connected with the WAI activities.

And then, under "Criteria for success of user agent WG include:" say
something like,

-Adoption of guidelines by user agent developers 
-Documented use of user agent accessibility features by persons with
disabilities with or without assistive technology.

Actually I don't know if documenting feature use is beyond our scope, but
it seems like it would be important to determine whether or not certain
features were being used successfully.


>How do we measure success?  Items 2 "improved access to the WWW by PWD" is
>really vague and unmeasurable.

Received on Tuesday, 14 July 1998 08:34:35 UTC