Re-Release of public working draft WD-WAI-USERAGENT-19980703


I've re-released the public working draft of the UA Guidelines at [1].
This document has a couple of accessibility improvements (correct
color combinations, brackets around navigation bar links, "title"
attributes in IMG used as a link and in HR elements). It also corrects
SUNSoft to be Sun Microsystems.

None of the guidelines or prose changed.

I ran the document (successfully) through the W3C CSS Validator
and Bobby. The CSS Validator does return a warning, but the CSS rule
in question is not used in the document, so there's no problem.

The link to this document from the W3C TR page [2] has been updated.

 - Ian


Ian Jacobs ( 
Tel/Fax: (212) 684-1814

Received on Friday, 3 July 1998 16:00:57 UTC