sound notification when browser is not working


I would like to have a new topic discussed for the guidelines the
possibility of getting some other feedback than a visual one when the
browser is not working. Both Netscape and IE has a visual indication
of the fact that the browser is working retreiving data. This is of
course of little practical use if the browser is working fine, but
when it takes minutes to download a page, or when the browser hangs
for one reason or another, it would be nice to be able to get a kind
of notification. The obvious idea is that the user through an option
can turn on sounds and some beeps will be used to indicate that the
browser is working.

There are many other visual indications that it could be
interesting to get in other ways, examples could be if a page is
loaded from the cash or retreived from the net, and also some of the
new pluggins that make it possible to pay for information retreived
from the web uses visual indication of the fact that you pay for
following a link. But the only thing to do about all these situations
would be a general statement indicating that such information should
be available in different ways. 


Claus Thøgersen 

Received on Monday, 22 June 1998 02:14:41 UTC