
In Section 3.5:
"Most of the guidelines in this document apply to dependent user

WL:: I am not clear on this since it seems that a browser is an
independent user agent and most of the guidelines apply to browsers.

In Section 4.1:
"Allow the user to override author styles and browser defaults for the
following properties: font face, font size, foreground and background
colors, background images, selection highlight colors, and other
properties related to user interaction (e.g., hover styles)."

WL:: I think the list of "following properties" should be eliminated. 
There is no reason the user should not be able to do whatever she wants
- it's her workstation.  Also if you disallow overriding of something
there will be workarounds to permit such disallowance <g>.

In Section 4.3:
"If both these sources are omitted, the browser should display 'Image'."

WL::  Although I understand that this will continue to be done, it is so
unacceptable that we must (even at the risk of appearing ridiculous) say
something more like: "If both these sources are omitted, the author and
the vendor of whatever tool he used should be notified that they are in
violation of the law and that the host server owner for this web site is
urged to remove this from the Web for repair."

Received on Tuesday, 16 June 1998 11:06:14 UTC