Re: Rulers/borders

On Wed, 25 Mar 1998 19:29:18 -0500 Liam Quinn <> wrote:
> At 10:45 PM 25/03/98 +0100, jaap van lelieveld wrote:
> >Proposal for UA guidelines:
> >
> >A browser must show rulers and borders.
> Why?  Rulers and borders are visual objects that by themselves have no
> meaning.  An aural user does not gain anything from knowing that a table
> has borders (for example).

When you look at a ruler as such it is _only a visual objet", but
a (good) designer adds a ruler for some reason:
- to devide a text in parts
- TO draw attention to a paragraph etc.

When you look at a today's HTML page you see several types of
- Tables to force some layout. They normally do not have a border
  since that would disturb the layout.
- numerical or textual tables. In these case the borders are
  used to identify the diferent cells and/or rows/comuns.

It is not exeactly the border that I need, but the 
column/row/cell build up even if the table is implemented in
nice or straight forward textual format.

(see also parallel message on screen reaers).

Best regards,

Message from: Jaap van Lelieveld      The Netherlands
              Chairman of EBU commission on Technical Devices and Services

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Received on Sunday, 5 April 1998 15:35:42 UTC