Re: presentation adjustability

At 16:25 31.03.98 -0500, Kitch Barnicle wrote:
>Hi Jon and others,
>I agree that user control of fonts, font sizes and colors 
>should be a high priority. I also believe that users should be
>able to control these features through the browser,  
>where possible, and through cascading style sheets. 
>I also believe the user's choice should take precedence
>over the page author's choice, though I am sure
>there are some arguments against that.

I agree totally and this is the way we do things. It is really
simple; if the user cannot access the page with the settings
the author set, the user must be able to change the settings.
Common sense really, although I have met people saying more
or less "I do not care about those that cannot read my pages
as they are a minority". 

>Does anyone have thoughts on that?
>I am also a bit confused about the section
>entitled "Ignore Page Formatting Specifications." 
>Should we just specify that the user's choices should
>take precedence? 

We try to give the user multiple choices as they may want
to change some parts, but not all.

>Also, will we need something like that suggested by 
>Constantine Stephanidis if user's do not specify all 
>colors or simply turn off background images?

We have a button in Opera which toggles between document
colors and user colors.

>"the browser should attempt to perform "clever" color 
>substitution, so as to ensure that all text in a page 
>is visible and has a satisfactory contrast with the
> page background. "

No!!! The user is right. Trying to make a clever system
just makes the whole thing unpredictable. There may even
be cases where the author does not want the text to be
visible as default, but show it after a while or something.
By enabling the user to toggle between his and the
documents setting I think we are getting the best result.

>Any thoughts?
Regards/Ciao/Kær kvedja/Vennlig hilsen/...

Jon S. von Tetzchner
Opera Software

Opera - The browser that is made for you.

Received on Wednesday, 1 April 1998 02:33:02 UTC