I am Dr.  LAWAL advicer to the late Head of State of Nigeria Gen. Sani Abacha. 
Because of my strategic position in the former Government and also being a close 
confidant ofthe late Head of State, I was able to acquire personally the 
sum of $12,500,000.00USD (Twelve Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States 
Dollars only)presently lodged in the three different Nigerian Banks. I made 
this moneylargely through "CONSULTANCY FEE" and "Good Faith Fees" paid by foreign Oil companies prior to Allocation of Deep Water Oil Blocs and other 
Lifting/prospectingRights (Nigeria is the 6th largest Producer/Exporter of Crude Petroleumin the World. As you are probably aware Nigeria is prone to Military 
coups and theresultant Political/Economic Instability has fueled hyper Inflation,amongst other problems. I have therefore resolved to invest my moneyabroad, preferable in Real Estate Properties and Importation of Goodsfrom 
your country for safety and optimum returns on Investment. However, straight transfer of this money into a bank abroad will present two major problems one, the tax incidence will be too high, as much as60% of this money will go up in Taxes, Levies, Penalties etc. as a result of Government deliberate restrictions on flight of 
capital Abroad. 

The solution is to Courier this money (cash) abroad, through Courier Service 
Company here in Nigeria in conjuction with an embassy here in Nigeria, the money will be packed in a "Diplomatic Bag/Carton" tagged Diplomatic luggage which will be address to you. This system is secretand the money is therefore Untraceable. It is system used by most topGovernment officials to remove their fortunes to safety abroad. 

I have therefore concluded every arrangements with aCourier Company in 
Nigeria to Courier this money abroad using the courtesy and safety of 
Diplomatic Bag. All I now need is an honest partner who can receivethe 
money on my behalf and help me to invest as aforementioned. There is absolutely no risk involved in this transaction as the money will be delivered to you in United States Dollars Bills. If you are interested in assisting me, please send to 
me by email immediately your preferred contact address where this money will be 
delivered toyou, upon delivery, you are to lodge this money in a bank 
account andcontact me for necessary arrangements for the investment. For your helpand assistance in this deal, you will receive 30% of this money in 
casher Equity if you wish to join the proposed company. 

Yours truly, 

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Received on Saturday, 12 October 2002 06:58:55 UTC