i-Checker from IBM Japan

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i-Checker, an entry level Web accessibility automated checking tool in Japanese
from IBM
i-Checker checks the following four items and shows warning icons for each item.
 1. It checks if an image link has an ALT attribute
 2. It checks if a title is written in a TITLE tag
 3. It checks if each Area of a clientside map has an ALT attribute
 4. It warns if a server-side map is used.

Phill Jenkins     (678-4517 tieline)  512 838-4517
IBM Special Needs  Fax:  512 838-9367
11501 Burnet Rd    pjenkins@us.ibm.com
Austin TX 78758    http://www.ibm.com/sns

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 1998 11:27:24 UTC