- From: Nir Dagan <nir.dagan@econ.upf.es>
- Date: Sat Mar 21 14:38:40 1998
- To: kasday@att.com
- CC: w3c-wai-rc@w3.org
I think that before answering the question what evaluation tools we need it may be useful to identify first *to whom* these tools are created for. There are several types of authors who require different type of tools. Consider the following loose classification of authors/websites: 1. Public institutions (e.g. government) institutions with a public nature (e.g. private universities and hospitals), Large businesses. (who typically have many individuals on the Webmaster team.) 2 Medium and small businesses. Personal websites. Another classification is A. professional; and B. not so professional. The two classifications create a "matrix", but there is some natural correlations. For example most medium and small businesses are not so professional. They usually assign an employee (or hire an outside designer) that has very little knowledge of HTML. Many personal websites are maintained by people who do not do a very professional job. I think that all types of authors should be addressed but would like to make the point of educating non professionals and younger authors in particular. Pass/fail tests are important for 1 and A.. This is because it anables them to define an accurate standard for their Websites. Also programs like validators who give short but technical well defined statements are useful for professionals whose major errors are a consequence of typos rather than ignorance. On the other hand, I find Bobby as very useful for non-professional authors. It also has some marketing advantages for younger people. A big advantage (for the non-professional) is that it concentrates a repeating error as one error as opposed to validators who state the errors in order of appearance. This is less scary and more eductional. Also a system of a continuous grade reduces frustration from beginners who can feel gradual improvement in their work. On the other hand these features are not useful for the professional author. These authors want to fix their few error quickly. Staing the errors in order of appearance without lengthy explanations is just perfect for this goal. In my view younger authors have the tendency to do cool stuff. Instead of trying to change this trend one should use it. Instead of "frames are cool" one can push "alt text is cool". Distributing "approved icons" and making the output of the test look like a graded quiz exam are the right way to go for educating younger authors. I felt the change of need in tool myself. When I started trying to test my site in all kinds of ways I couldn't figure out what the weirdos at WebTechs want from me, but I understood perfectly well that my website sucks when I ran it in Bobby or an HTML 2.0 text only purifier. Now I hardly use the latter since I can *predict* the behavior of my purified pages, and Bobby-like tools are slower than validators (if one uses the *amusing* feature of reproducing the page as a graded quiz). Regards, Nir Dagan Assistant Professor of Economics Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (Spain) email: dagan@upf.es Website: http://www.econ.upf.es/%7Edagan/
Received on Saturday, 21 March 1998 14:38:40 UTC