Re: research on computer technologies and students with disabilities in postsecondary education: in search of citations?

From: Jennison Asuncion <>

Hi, Al.

First off, thanks for your interest in our work.

Sorry I wasn't clear in my e-mail posting to the list.  In fact, we are
using first-person accounts in our research (focus groups, structured
telephone interviews, and a two-pager survey) in which we have, and will
continue to solicit lots of personal account info.  This qualitative data
will then be input into our stats package and quantified.  

What I was trying to get at in my listserv message was that we are looking
for empirical studies in this field in order to find out what
methodologies researchers may have used.  So, for our purposes, an article
which details one student's experience with a device isn't helpful.  What
we need (currently) are actual studies, complete with methodology and

Please e-mail me if you have any more questions, and thanks for your info
as well as your interest.

Jennison Asuncion
M.A. Candidate - Educational Technology
Concordia University, Montreal

Received on Thursday, 12 March 1998 23:41:56 UTC