Evaluation and Repair Working Group and Interest Group (aka RC)

> Hello WAI RC (Rating & Certification) interested parties.
> The RC Group now has a new name, Evaluation and Repair (ER), to better
> reflect the mission of creating tools to evaluate the accessibility of
> websites, repair elements that are not accessible, and to help web surfers
> access problematical sites.
> We (the WAI Coordination Group) have been discussing a charter for this
> new WAI 
> activity, and now propose to transition to a pair of groups: the "ER
> working group"(WAI-ER-WG)
> and the "ER interest group" (WAI-ER-IG).  These groups will work together
> [see
footnote 1] toward a WAI "toolkit" that will be offered to people who create
and maintain web
> sites, people who need to evaluate web sites created for them by others,
> and
> people who surf the sites. The toolkit will contain stand-alone tools as
> well modules that can be incorporated into other web authoring and
> browsing
> software.
WAI-ER-WG will consist of those people who are actually creating and writing
> toolkit and related tools.  Members of this group will implement the tools
> based on input from  WAI-ER-IG (see below), web authors and the
> availability of funded or volunteer programmers.
WAI-ER-IG will discuss issues around evaluation and repair and
> collect feedback and usability data from potential tool and web
> users--e.g.
> expert and novice surfers, professional web site developers, and people
> whose sites are prepared by others. WAI-ER-IG will analyze this data to
> provide
> input to the working group.   Feedback will be collected by means such as
> email, web based surveys, and laboratory usability studies, and will reach
> out to include who may not participate in WAI discussions.  Thus, this
> group
> welcomes people who wish to share their own experience and expertise, and
> people seeking to collect feedback and usability data from others.
Note that WAI-ER-IG is distinct from the more general interest group

> We have posted proposed charters for these two groups at
> http://www.w3.org/WAI/RC/draft-charter-er-ig.html
> http://www.w3.org/WAI/RC/draft-charter-er-wg.html  
> Please give us your opinions on the charters via postings to the RC list
(i.e. the list on which you are probably reading this email).


> Leonard R. Kasday
> kasday@att.com (until June 30)
> (609) 231-0229
> [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/#GAGroups

Received on Friday, 29 May 1998 14:39:49 UTC