Description of AYE

Dear all, 
Mr. Kasday said, that it helps if there would be a description
of AYE. So I have written a few line . You find it on my homepage.
Under the point www access for the blind.
There you have to scroll a little bit down.
You see two points. The first is a link to w3c-wai-rc and 
the next link jumps to the description.
A the moment I write a bigger text which helps more than this
short one.
Please let me know what you think about it.

I hope this action is in the sense of the W3c-wai-rc chair, Mr. Kasday.

Yours faithfully

Henrik quINTEL

quintel@fh-Worms.DE | 
Designer and original implementor of Q, Triple-Q and AYE
Prof. Goettler, Originator of AYE (

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 1998 16:07:19 UTC