Testing practice for

Hi all,

Does anybody has a suggestion how to test 1.4.4 Resize Text when the font-size is defined by something like this (extracted from a tailwind css project):

.text-copy-md {
 font-size:clamp(16px,calc(16px + (20 - 16) * ((100vw - 1024px) / (1920 - 1024))),20px);

Is there maybe a browser plugin that shows me when I resized the text up to 200% of the original size? 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Marc Haunschild - he / him - #gernPerDu
Qualifizierte und autorisierte Prüfstelle im BIK-BITV-Prüfverbund

Marc Haunschild Accessibility Consulting
Sonnenhof 32
53119 Bonn

Telefon: 0170 8 64 00 63
Web: https://Accessibility.Consulting https://haunschild.de 
Email: Marc.Haunschild@Accessibility.Consulting

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2024 13:50:48 UTC