need examples of where the Visual order makes sense, but screen reader order does not


I'm writing an article about some new ideas to handle translating between
visual media to aural media - screen readers - and I need some examples of
where the visual order of a layout makes sense, but the screen reader order
would not make sense - for example components where the action comes before
some necessary information about what the action does.

I've seen thousands of these over the years of course, but darn it I never
kept a document showing them all. I'm hoping somewhere here on the list has
some examples.

Obviously these are not ones where the visual order would be improved by
moving it into an order where the reading order makes sense, but ones in
which the visual information presented lower in reading order makes sense
for the action you are undertaking.

Hopefully someone can help me with examples of this, because this article
is really killing me with the time sink it has turned into.

Bryan Rasmussen

Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2024 10:21:30 UTC