RE: Skip to content link

why cannot  some keyboard users choose the search options?
Given screen reader users vary from person to person, does not the same 
apply  to the keyboard?
After all I am told, but do not personally employ tab and shift tab as a 
screen reading  navigation, although I understand some users of screen 
readers do this all the time.

On Fri, 8 Mar 2024, Guy Hickling wrote:

> Skip links aren't intended for screen reader users, though that may have
> been how they started in the very early days of the web. They are for
> sighted keyboard-only users, who have to navigate using only the tab key.
> Those users do not have any of the options offered by a screen reader. The
> "Skip to main content" link is specifically so that keyboard users do not
> have to tab all the way through the header (often 50 or  60 links and
> buttons on larger sites), otherwise those users have to tab through every
> link, on every page they go to. Which is also why all skip links must be
> visible when a user tabs onto them - they fail SC2.4.1 if they are not
> visible.

Received on Friday, 8 March 2024 04:52:17 UTC