Re: W3C Recommendations Pointer Question

Hi Oliver,

You can even more affordances for users of pointer-based input, by designing hover and active states that are bold and bright (i.e., more like what is typically seen with focus states). 

In our research on making highly interactive visual simulations for learning science math more inclusive and accessible, we found that learners who use pointer-based input really like bold bright pink outlines when they hover and click around the sims.

They liked the highlights so much that we created an optional feature called “Interactive Highlights” that anyone can enable in the Preferences Menu of simulations with this feature.

For examples, just enable the feature in the Visual Tab of the Preferences Menu for any one of these 13 sims <>. 

Our simulations are game-like interfaces, but I feel that bolder brighter highlights are beneficial to any web-based interface. Highly visible outlines benefit many people, not just people who use the keyboard or other focused-based input methods.

If you are just indicating interactivity through a change in the cursor pointer, that might be hard to see.


Taliesin L. Smith 

Inclusive Design Research Specialist
PhET Interactive Simulations
Department of Physics
University of Colorado, Boulder

> On Feb 28, 2024, at 14:27, Marc Haunschild <> wrote:
> It’s completely find to change the mouse pointer on links and other interactive elements. If this was the question?
> It’s much more likely to get answers, if you put a little more effort in your question. ;-)
>> Am 28.02.2024 um 16:10 schrieb Oliver Odgaard <>:
>> Hi there WAI team,
>> Can you help us with this? See thread.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Denis Ah-Kang <>
>> Date: 28 Feb 2024 at 15.59 +0100
>> To: Oliver Odgaard <>
>> Subject: Re: W3C Recommendations Pointer Question
>>> Sorry, I didn't understand you were looking for answers related to
>>> accessibility. I would suggest to write an email to the WAI Interest
>>> Group at (archives at [1]). They should be able
>>> to provide a more accurate answer than me :)
>>> You may also find some resources on their website [2].
>>> Regards,
>>> Denis
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> On 28/02/2024 18:37, Oliver Odgaard wrote:
>>>> Hi Denis, thanks for the super fast reply. So that means, from reading
>>>> the links you sent, we can still be WCAG 2.1 AA compliant if we use a
>>>> pointer on clickable elements? Is that correct?
>>>> --
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> *Oliver Odgaard*
>>>> Lead Product Designer
>>>> <>
>>>> e. <>
>>>> w. <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> On 28. feb. 2024 15.19 +0100, Denis Ah-Kang <>, wrote:
>>>>> Hi Oliver,
>>>>> I'm guessing you are referring to [1] but that issue was actually
>>>>> discussed [2] and the newest version of the spec has the pointer cursor
>>>>> indicating an interactive element [3].
>>>>> So there's no problem using a pointer on clickable elements.
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Denis
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> [3]
>>>>> On 28/02/2024 08:50, Oliver Odgaard wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Denis,
>>>>>> Can you help me regarding use of a pointer on our web application?
>>>>>> The W3C recommendations says to use a pointer on "The cursor is a
>>>>>> pointer that indicates a link.", but if we choose to use a pointer on
>>>>>> clickable elements like buttons (that aren't links) and interactive
>>>>>> elements inside our product, will that mean we can't say we are not W3C
>>>>>> compliant?
>>>>>> We would love the added affordance that the pointer adds, making
>>>>>> interactive elements clearly recognizable and usable for all users.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>> *Oliver Odgaard*
>>>>>> Lead Product Designer
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> e. <>
>>>>>> w. <>
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> <>

Received on Wednesday, 28 February 2024 20:54:36 UTC