question regarding printed PDF documents


We have a question regarding printing PDF documents. We currently publish PDF forms, which people can download and fill out electronically. They then have to print the form, sign it, and send it to us (or fax it or scan and email it). They have the option of completing the form electronically in DocuSign, electronically signing the document, and submitting it electronically.

It's been asserted that printing the form and signing it makes it inherently inaccessible to some users. Our credit union requires us to meet the WCAG 2.0 standard for our website, and as our PDFs are published there, we are making sure they are also WCAG - compliant. Is there anything in WCAG that states that printing and signing a PDF document is a violation of WCAG or ADA requirements?

The signature area on the PDF is currently blank - no form field, just a box to sign in - because we cannot accept digital PDF signatures as they are not verified. We currently add expansion text to the "Signature" label that reads out loud: "Borrower's Signature. Please print, sign, and submit this form by email, fax, or mail."  This contact information is provided on the form.

Thank you for your advice.

Deborah Dinzes


Deborah Dinzes
Sr Technical Writer, Knowledge Management
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