Re: Website with known set of issues

There is a fake shop called Clothes4all,, 
which allows to switch on / off compliance with single WCAG criteria.

The set of criteria covered is far from complete, though. On the other 
side, you could easily add support for more criteria by committing 
enhancements to their GitHub repo.

Best, Till

On 21.05.2024 17:40, Phill Jenkins wrote:
> Is there a website (or set) with a known set of issues mapped to all 
> the WCAG 2.2 Success Criteria?
> In other words, “this set of pages demonstrates failures for all the 
> WCAG Success Criteria”.
> There is that decades old Before After demo website 
> <> created by W3C that 
> was an initial attempt to do something like that. However, it is 
> woefully out of date.
> I’ve head that there may be some web pages maintained by a university 
> or organization for spot testing or spot demos, but a curated list 
> would be very helpful for the community.
> _______
> Regards,
> *Phill Jenkins*
> IBM Accessibility, IBM Design
> *Equal Access toolkit and accessibility checker* 
> <>
> “Without accessibility, there is no diversity, equity, or inclusion 
> for disabled people”
Med vennlig hilsen, / Best regards,
Till Halbach, seniorforsker / senior research scientist
Norwegian Computing Center / Norsk Regnesentral (NR)  |
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Received on Thursday, 23 May 2024 08:58:15 UTC