RE: Link labels

I suspect links were separated from the label/heading description requirement  because people were thinking ‘form inputs’ when they were talking about ‘labels’.
But there’s a bit more to it. In most cases, there is a really clear and obvious association between <label> and <input>.
What Link purpose provides is an ability to associate the anchor/link with the paragraph in which it abides. So it allows a looser association. Since links are so much more ubiquitous than labels, and most of the time it is not necessary for a user to understand the precise target of a link in order to work with the page (in the same way it is with understanding what a form input is for) it probably seemed like a reasonable allowance back in 2008, moving a more stringent ‘label’ requirement for links to the AAA level.

Part of me has always wanted to apply label much more liberally to make the basic need a bit more global. In many ways, a heading is just a label for the paragraphs that are its children, for example. A column header is a label for the column, etc. The context may change the concision of the description needed, but they all need to fulfil the basic purpose of providing a meaningful, accurate label.

From: Patrick H. Lauke <>
Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 8:55 AM
To: <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Link labels
Ah yes, oddly enough I've been pondering something along the same lines.

You're right that based on the definition of "label"  actual link text could well be
seen as the label of a link.

And with that, links would be subject to 2.4.6 Headings and Labels, with
the labels needing to "describe topic or purpose" (though of course
that's a bit handwavy/subjective in itself). And then, that would make
2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) and 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)
redundant (or worse, 2.4.4, which allows context to play a role, would
contradict 2.4.6).

It's ... certainly tricky and one of those weird overlaps.

Patrick H. Lauke


Received on Thursday, 11 April 2024 18:22:38 UTC