Re: Breadcrumb text links - are they intended for 2.5.8 ?

Hi Chris

I agree with Steve Green and find this success criterion very difficult to write an automated test to allow for all the exemptions. The original exemption for Inline read as  "Inline: The target is in a sentence, or is in a bulleted or numbered list, or its size is otherwise constrained by the line-height of non-target text;". However, the 'or is in a bulleted or numbered list' was removed sometime in September 2023 removing the clarity around lists. Which is understandable as Steve points out list items are not 'constrained by the line-height of non-target text'.

My interpretation of 2.5.8 Target size, particularly due to the remove of the explicit list exemption, is that it does apply to links, buttons ETC. marked up in a list.


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Received on Thursday, 21 December 2023 03:16:33 UTC