Link purpose

Hello again

Link purpose and link purpose (link only)

If a label for a form field or another UI component was not programmatically associated, I would consider that a 1.3.1 fail, and the argument that follows is that out of context, the purpose of the control isn't clear.

Link purpose fails sort of filter links out and fail these separately so to me that seems to almost downgrade this type of issue with respect to links.

It has the effect of saying context doesn't have to be directly programmatically associated to pass A (aka a part of the accessible name) it only needs to be part of the wider 'programmatically determined link context' which is really a weaker definition of 'programmatically determined' than say 'a part of the accessible name'

And then making sure context is properly programmatically associated as part of the accessible name is then AAA

However, if it were any other UI control where the label were not programmatically associated, that would be A?

Also, do link labels also come under 'labels' for example, could they fail sc 2.4.6?



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