Re: Questions about making my website ADA Compliant

You certainly cannot take the test tool you mentioned, or any other
automated accessibility testing tool, as sufficient. There are many aspects
of WCAG accessibility they cannot test. They cannot, for instance, check if
you have given the right alt texts to images, as image alt texts have to
give the same information to blind people as the image does to sighted
people - and test software cannot tell that. Again, in most cases they
won't be able to tell you if a button is unusable by a keyboard user,
another matter of major important to many disabled people. In the
accessibility industry we generally reckon that the automated tools can
only test for about 30% of all WCAG issues, and not the most important
issues at that. So, as LĂ©onie has just said, you will need manual testing
by humans for most issues.

Since I assume you probably don't have the expertise to do all the testing
needed yourself, there are several large accessibility audit consultancy
firms you can use, and there are also several independent consultants, like
myself - we tend to be cheaper as we don't have the overheads of the large
firms! There will probably be consultancies in Portugal. But if you have no
one suitable, a good accessibility consultant can test websites written in
languages other than their own. So an English speaking consultant can do
the job for you if no one available locally.

But whoever you look for check, above all, that they will provide you with
a report telling you the solutions to use, not just list the issues they
find. Ask them to send you a copy of a previous audit test report they have
done to see what they will give you. This is very important. Otherwise you
will be little better off than before - you will have all the time and
expense of searching the internet to learn how to fix everything! A good
consultant will tell you in detail how to fix the faults found, at no extra
cost as it will all be in their report.

Received on Monday, 18 September 2023 20:59:52 UTC