RE: Programmatically determined link context

And how does one consume this programmatic context using a screen reader? 





From: Marc Haunschild (Accessibility Consulting) <> 
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2023 3:13 PM
To: Juliette McShane Alexandria <>
Cc: Kevin Prince <>; Steve Green <>; Ms J <>;
Subject: Re: Programmatically determined link context



The Understanding document says the "same list item". I believe the term and definition are considered the 'same' item.


Besides there is a sufficient technique (H80) that uses a preceding heading as context.


The relationship between dt and dd is similar to text with a heading.

The HTML spec says:


"The dt/dd element represents the description, definition, or value, part of a term-description group in a description list (dl element)." (emphasis added)


Anyway I still think that description lists are not well designed in html  - as a developer I wished about a billion times there would have been a grouping element around dt and dd - but that’s another story…

I would agree that for the purposes of WCAG 2.1 level AA SC 2.4.4 if the needed context is in a dt/dd pair then the link has appropriate context


Full ACK - although dt can be followed by multiple dds - so it’s not necessarily a pair.


Sorry for being a little pedantic. I’m German. I just try to fit into the stereotype 





On 8/9/2023 11:34:34 AM, Kevin Prince <> wrote:

I’d agree – the list gives them a clear relationship.




Kevin Prince 

Product Accessibility & Usability Consultant


Foster Moore

A Teranet Company



E  <>



From: Steve Green <>
Date: Thursday, 10 August 2023 at 2:40 AM
To: Ms J <>, <>
Subject: RE: Programmatically determined link context

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. 


I would say that they are.


Steve Green

Managing Director

Test Partners Ltd



From: Ms J <> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 2:20 PM
Subject: Programmatically determined link context




Just a quick one. Are the terms in a description list <dt> part of the programmatically determined link context for links in the corresponding definition tag <dd>




<dt>first page</dt><dd><a href>link</a></dd>

<dt>second page</dt><dd><a href>link</a></dd>


We believe they are but weren't sure how stringent the definition of 'programmatically determined link context' was as it says 'includes...' so we weren't sure if that was 'includes only' or 'includes but is not limited to'. 



Sent from Outlook for iOS <> 

Received on Saturday, 12 August 2023 00:53:39 UTC